We will update this listing as we receive more information. Please let us know if you know of any more contests or venues for medical student writing and we will add them to the list.
AOA Bureau of Osteopathic History and Identity 6th Annual History Essay CompetitionPrizes: $5,000 first prize, $3,000 second prize, and $2,000 third prize.
Requirements: Contestants are asked to focus their essays on one of the following principles from the bureau's "Core Principles for Teaching the History of Osteopathic Medicine." Maximum length 3,000 words. For full details, please see the full information on the competition at
http://www.do-online.org/TheDO/?p=20961Deadline: September 13, 2010.
Bander Essay Contest in Medical Business EthicsThe Bander Essay Contest is supported by the Saint Louis University Bander Center for Medical Business Ethics. The contest is meant to encourage scholarly inquiry into business ethics within the practice of medicine or the conduct of medical research.
Prizes: Author of the best essay will receive $5000. If more than one exceptional entry is received, up to three runner-up prizes of $1,000 each will be awarded. Winning essays will be published in the AMA's Journal of Ethics,
Virtual Mentor.
Eligibility: Medical students, resident physicians, fellows, and physicians are eligible.
Requirements: Essays must be 2,000 words or fewer, typed, and double-spaced. The author’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and affiliation (medical school and class, private practice site, hospital affiliation, etc.) should appear on the cover sheet only—not on the essay pages.
Deadline: Midnight CDT, December 15, 2010. Submit essays as email attachments to
See their website for full details and to see the prompt:
http://virtualmentor.ama-assn.org/site/aboutbander.htmlOsler Medal Essay Contesthttp://www.histmed.org/osler_medal.htmThe William Osler Medal is awarded annually for the best unpublished essay on a medical historical topic written by a student enrolled in a school of medicine or osteopathy in the United States or Canada. First awarded in 1942, the medal commemorates Sir William Osler, who stimulated an interest in the humanities among medical students and physicians. The writer of the winning essay will be invited to attend the 2011 AAHM meeting, April 28–May 1, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the medal will be conferred. Reasonable travel expenses will be provided, as will a two-year complimentary membership in the AAHM. If the Osler Medal Committee also selects an essay for honorable mention, its author will receive a certificate and a two-year complimentary membership in the Association.
Deadline: January 15, 2011.
Global Pulse JournalThis is AMSA's international health journal (AMSA = American Medical Student Association), dedicated to demonstrating that American medical students are concerned with the health of the international community.
Subject matter accepted: GPJ publishes content related to global health that is relevant to health professionals in training. We adopt the definition set out by the Consortium of Universities for Global Health:
“Global health is an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Global health emphasizes transnational health issues, determinants, and solutions; involves many disciplines within and beyond the health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration; and is a synthesis of population based prevention with individual-level clinical care.”
Submissions to Global Pulse Journal should be engaging and readily understood by medical students unfamiliar with topic material.
Who can submit: GPJ publishes material written by medical and pre-medical students, residents, and other health professionals in training.
Check out their
website for more information.
HEREThat's right. This blog. We're looking for original writing from VCOM medical students on all aspects of medical school, and would especially like to hear from 3rd and 4th years about their experiences on the wards. We can't offer you any money (yet) but we can offer you an audience for your writings and our own admiration for your writing prowess.
Please email vcombioethics at gmail.com with questions and submissions.