Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hello World

Welcome to the Bioethics and Humanities club (BAHM) blog! We are here to debate, argue, and trade in ideas. We have an exciting year planned- Friday afternoons at Carillion's bioethical committee meetings, hopefully a talk from an anthropologist specializing in Appalachian culture, weekly telecast live broadcasts of biomedical programming from other schools, arts nights. We are here to remind you that you are much more than a student doctor/scientist-- you are an individual with hobbies, interests, thoughts that don't have anything to do with the biochemical pathway for PKU. Remember the things that make you human and that make you you. It is through these that you will truly connect with your patients.

One of the most exciting things about this club is that you can participate without attending meetings. That's the purpose of this blog. We want debate, we want heated discussion, we want the whole VCOM community to think. Your opinions matter here, and we'll have a new bioethics topic every week or two for you to discuss and post your comments. Yeah, its moderated, but only so that we all stay on topic and nobody gets ad hominem. By the way, nobody's opinion is more important than anyone else's on this site- not the club officers, not any administrator/faculty member who happens by, not 4th years or 2nd years more than 1st years.

Welcome. Please come back often. We look forward to your thoughts, opinions, suggestions.

Yours truly,
Lisa Mitchell & Emily Bruce, MS II
vcombioethics at


  1. Hi, it's Stephanie in the VCOM Library. Best wishes on the new group and the blog!

    I like the "What We're Reading" feature.
    If anyone else is interested in these works, we have Mountains Beyond Mountains, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, and Principles of Biomedical Ethics in the library.

    We also have available other medical ethics, bioethics, and topics in healthcare books you may find of interest including, but not limited to, these:

    Hadler NM, Worried Sick: A Prescription for Health in an Overtreated America

    Abrams FR: Doctors on the Edge: Will Your Doctor Break the Rules for You?

    Meldrum H: Characteristics of Compassion: Portraits of Exemplary Physicians

    Lo B: Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians

  2. Thanks, Stephanie! We really appreciate your input. :)
