Monday, December 13, 2010

Student Profile: Sarah Riley-Burnett, OMS I

How long have you been painting and/or doing decorative art?
I've always been somewhat of an artist, since grade school really. Most of my artwork spans the past 8 years though.

What inspires your work (what are you drawn to)?
Really bright colors and abstract shapes, I rarely have a plan when I sit down to paint, I just start with a color that I like and somehow it ends up making sense. It's a very spontaneous process. I always paint to music so a lot of my stuff is inspired by what I was listening to.

Why do you do it?
I'm not entirely sure, I suppose it's a release for me or a way to express what I don't have words for.

How do you find time to do this while in medical school?
I have finished a few paintings since being in school but I haven't started anything new...but when the mood strikes there's little else that I can focus on other than shapes and colors, so I create something and when I'm done there's a little more space in my head to focus somewhere else.

The following are a few samples of Sarah's work. See more at RECESS on January 8th.

Images are copyright Sarah Riley-Burnett and are used here with permission.

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