Saturday, August 7, 2010

Debate (di-bate), Verb: To engage in argument by discussing opposing points

The first debate topic will go up on Monday. Here are the ground rules:

1. Feel free to post anonymously if you wish but please use a consistent pseudonym so that people can respond to your comments without having to scroll up to see which anonymous/time stamp they are referring to.
2. Discussion is moderated- but no posts will be edited, and all posts will be accepted unless the author is grossly off topic (for example we’re discussing abortion and you want to talk about how much you hate the military), ad hominem, or profane.
3. Please email us (vcombioethics at with any topics you'd like to see debated in the future.

As a reminder- the basic principles of medical ethics to consider include: justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and respect for autonomy.

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