You’ve been Mary’s physician for 10 years. She is now 28 years old with two young children and a recent divorce. Mary came to you depressed last year because she felt isolated, was unemployed, and didn’t want to become welfare dependent. She seems much happier today when she sees you, because she’s excited to tell you she’s had a fairly well paying job for the last 4 months. She works at an employee-friendly domestic cleaning service.
Mary tells you that her childhood asthma, which she had kept under control, has become exacerbated on the job because of the cleaning products she has to use. Her employer noticed her concerning coughs and wanted a physician to check on her, to clear the company of any liability they have for her health. She has a form for you to fill out regarding her physical wellbeing. Mary begs of you to clear her for the job and promises to wear a mask over her nose and mouth from now on. She says she’s likely to be fired and lose her decent income if you document her asthma’s exacerbation.
Define the ethical issues involved and describe what you would do as her physician.
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